An Introduction to “Daghayegh al-Alaaj”, a Book by Mohammad Karim Khan Kermani

Document Type : Biography


1 Associate Professor of History, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Islamic History, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Mohammad Karim Khan Kermani was one of the famous intellectuals and writers of the Qajar era. His extensive body of work covers various subjects, including medicine during his lifetime. He has also written several works drawing from his personal experiences and giving references to earlier medical and religious sources in medical science and pharmacy, as well as medicine. One notable example is his two-volume Arabic work, “Daghayegh al-Alaaj”. This study examines the content, provisions, and medical advice offered in “Daghayegh al-Alaaj” to evaluate Mohammad Karim Khan Kermani’s understanding of medical sciences and disease treatment during the Qajar period. The findings of this research reveal Mohammad Karim Khan Kermani’s considerable knowledge and expertise in medical sciences and the treatment of diseases in the Qajar period. By analyzing the text, provisions, and content of this work, we aim to answer the primary question: What is the significance of “Daghayegh al-Alaaj” in the context of medicine and disease treatment during the Qajar era?
As a result of the analysis, it becomes clear that the book holds a unique place in the history of Qajar medicine due to the author’s profound knowledge of disease treatment.


Seyed Mohammad Tayybi (Google Scholar)
Sina Mirshahi (Google Scholar)


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