Dr. Soghra Azarmi (1914-1973); The First Female Pathologist in Iran

Document Type : Biography


1 History of Iran after Islam, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Expert of Hamedan Province Health Historical Cultural Collection, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, Hamedan, Iran

3 History of Iran after Islam, Traditional Medicine and Hydrotherapy Research Center, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran


Mrs. Dr. Soghra Azarmi (1914-1973) is one of the most influential female doctors in Iran’s contemporary history. She was the first pathologist and the pioneer of the cytology database, making a significant impact on the lives of many women suffering from cancer. Various experiences marked her life, and she navigated through the stages of career progression with genuine merit. Dr. Soghra Azarmi initiated her secondary education in Hamedan, located in western Iran. Following a teaching period, she pursued her medical studies at Tehran University. Later, she ventured to the United States, where she worked at Women’s Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. There she pursued her studies in Pathology. Subsequently, she obtained a research opportunity in Melbourne, Australia, and furthered her studies in cytology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Upon returning to Iran, Dr. Soghra Azarmi joined the National Cancer Society, where she played a crucial role in saving the lives of numerous cancer patients. This research gives an introduction to the pathology department at Tehran University and subsequently reports the scientific and research journey of the esteemed professor in the pathology department.


Reza Karami (Google Scholar)
Seyyed Alireza Golshani (Google Scholar)


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