An Analysis of Visual Narrative in the Medical Manuscript “Lazzat Un Nisa’”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Art in Tarbiat Moddares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Art, Faculty of Art & Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran


Most people believe that they are adequately aware of sex and its etiquette and hence, they don’t need any education to improve their sexual knowledge. However, relevant issues that are often treatable, like sexual diseases or dissatisfaction, have made physicians write or translate various manuscripts and books to improve public knowledge of sex. The medical manuscript “Lazzat Un Nisaʼ” is an example of such an educational resource. In this paper, the miniatures of the manuscript and their relationship with the text are analyzed. The purpose is to determine the method employed in this visual narrative. The results indicate that the Miniaturist has not resorted to the erotic art; he, rather based his illustration on a lyrical-realistic method. This illustration refers to the effects of sexual knowledge on the success of married life, the intimacy between man and woman, and the satisfaction of their relationship. Accordingly, he has used intelligently visual techniques to picture people, especially women, in the most physical and mental health. He aims to evoke such effects by visual narrative in the miniatures and present the content of the medical text in the manuscript attractively.  


Leila Rezaeian (Google Scholar)
Fahimeh Zarezadeh (Google Scholar)


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