Document Type : Short Communication
M.D. UNANI, Professor and HOD, Department of Kulliyate Tib, National Institute of Unani Medicine, RGUHS, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
M.D. UNANI, P.G Scholar, Department of Kulliyate Tib, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
In almost all fields of knowledge, whatever advancement is seen today is not entirely new. In fact, present advancement is based on ancillary knowledge. Even the idea of computer is also conceived from the ancillary knowledge. The same is the case with medical knowledge. Today a vast advancement in neuroscience and neurotechnology is seen. It is thought that present form of neurology resulted from day and night efforts of neuroscientists of present day. But the case is little different. The efforts of the present-day neuroscientists are appreciable but efforts made by the predecessor neuroscientists should not be ignored. As a matter of fact, a treasure of knowledge descended from early Greek, Persian, Roman, Arab and Indian scientists, especially in the field of medical science. In the present paper, an effort is made to present the ancillary knowledge of external senses as it was described by the Greek, Persian, Roman and Arab scholars. Simultaneously, comparative notes are also incorporated. This paper would help the reader to know about how much was known and how much is added to the knowledge of the external sense. By this, one can realize between the accuracy of logical imagination and of technological information.