Document Type : Original Article
M.D., Associate Professor, Department of Kulliyat Tibb, NIUM, Bangalore, India
M.D., Professor, Department of Ilmul Adwiyya, NIUM, Bangalore, India
M.D., Research Scholar, Department of Kulliyat Tibb, NIUM, Bangalore, India
M.D., Research Scholar, Department of Mahiyat al Amraz, NIUM, Bangalore, India
Unani medicine is one of the oldest systems encompassing the medical traditions from the Babylonian and Egyptian eras to the present Indian Unani tradition and Traditional Iranian medicine. It came to the Greeks through Egyptian civilization and was refined into a rational system by Hippocrates, Galen, Razi, and Avicenna.
The faithful translation of traditional practices into Arabic in the medieval era under a comprehensive frame based on logic and observations developed the research concept methodology much earlier, which was believed to be a modern concept. The present paper reviews the changing face of research methods adopted in Unani medicine.
The research concept was looked upon in the classical Unani literature. Several papers in this regard were also searched using search engines, namely PubMed, google scholar, and Science Direct.
The concept of research methodology is quite primitive and has undergone several transitions throughout development and advancement in science. The shift from rational to evidence-based science is quite evident from the history of research development.