A Discussion about the Scientific and Humanitarian Approach of Traditional Persian Medicine to Mental Disorders

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Dept. of Persian Language and Literature, School of Paramedical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


According to ancient times, Iranians were among the first people to recognize mental abnormalities as diseases. They explained the causes of mental diseases using various scientific methods based on observation and experience and suggested practical ways for treatment. The main treatment methods they proposed included the use of medicine and other physical treatments. In some cases, psychotherapy methods were also used to treat mental patients. This study was conducted using the analytical-documentary method, with authentic traditional medical texts, literary and historical works, and other narrative texts that documented the treatment of mental patients as sources. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the Iranian culture, and particularly Iranian medical culture, has had a rational approach to mental disorders for a long time. Iranian doctors have avoided superstitious beliefs and instead sought scientific and experimental methods for treatment. The findings of this study suggest that, in comparison to approaches of Western medicine to mental disorders in the pre-modern era, which often involved rejecting such patients and not treating mental patients, Iranian doctors focused on the underlying causes of mental disorders. They treated patients using scientific methods while also maintaining a human and compassionate approach.


Manizheh Abdollahi (Google Scholar)


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