Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University (PNU), Kish Island, Iran
Human beings and their storytelling mind, sometimes, through imagination and exaggeration, move beyond the obvious signs of an event and its consequences, completely removing or devoiding it of its original meaning, dissociating it from daily life, and turning it into a tool to justify their attitudes and beliefs. One of the bitterest examples of this, in human history, is about the way the story of the prophet Job and the cause of his suffering and illness, along with its treatment, have been reported. Throughout history, most related interpretations have been based on the Torah’s outlooks and writings, resulting in changing the main message of the prophet Job’s story and life.
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Heydarian, M. Hosseyn (2022). The Pain and Treatment of Job: Some Traces of Hydrotherapy in the Story of Job. Journal of Research on History of Medicine, 11(2), 129-134.
Heydarian, M. Hosseyn. "The Pain and Treatment of Job: Some Traces of Hydrotherapy in the Story of Job", Journal of Research on History of Medicine, 11, 2, 2022, 129-134.
Heydarian, M. Hosseyn (2022). 'The Pain and Treatment of Job: Some Traces of Hydrotherapy in the Story of Job', Journal of Research on History of Medicine, 11(2), pp. 129-134.
M. Hosseyn Heydarian, "The Pain and Treatment of Job: Some Traces of Hydrotherapy in the Story of Job," Journal of Research on History of Medicine, 11 2 (2022): 129-134,
Heydarian, M. Hosseyn The Pain and Treatment of Job: Some Traces of Hydrotherapy in the Story of Job. Journal of Research on History of Medicine, 2022; 11(2): 129-134.