European Encounters with Dracunculiasis in the Northern Bank of the Persian Gulf: A Perspective from Travelogues of the Safavid and Qajar Eras

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of History Department, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Master’s Student in History, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


“Dracunculus medinensis” or “Guinea worm” disease is transmitted to humans through drinking contaminated water, leading to symptoms such as ague, muscular weakness, and infection. This disease is endemic to arid and warm regions with minimal rainfall and no safe and running water access. The northern bank of the Persian Gulf is one of the regions that has always faced water shortages due to its geographical location and climatic conditions. Hence, people had to rely on stored water in reservoirs, using stagnant water for a long time. This practice contributed to the widespread prevalence of Guinea worm disease in the region until the late 20th century (1996 AD). European travelers and commercial forces faced significant challenges when contracting this non-native and unfamiliar disease; Europeans required a better understanding of the nature, treatment methods, and prevention measures associated with Guinea worm disease to maintain the health and safety of their human resources in the region; Therefore, in this research, we utilize an analytical-descriptive approach to examine travelogues and library resources, assessing the evolution of European coping strategies for this disease from the Safavid to Qajar periods.  The findings of this research show that Europeans initially did not have much clinical information about this disease and relied on indigenous treatment methods. However, as their understanding of the disease’s nature gradually improved, more effective preventative measures were adopted.


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